i have been undoubtedly m.i.a. i'm not gonna kid myself and say that the world has been worse for the wear without me to bitch about my kids, life, business, etc. so much has changed so quickly around here that sometimes i can't seem to wrap my feeble sleep-deprived brain around it. really, i confess, it's a pipe-dream manifested. for as long as i can remember my drive to create and share my creations has been a force to be reckoned with. there are days where i can hardly function for the NEED to create what is swimming in my head is so urgent (ocd, anyone?). there's a beauty and a cross to bear and finding that balance, as with everything, has been my challenge.
and then this karmic little shop space came to pass... and i could'nt say "no". luckily, my dear friend, kim, could'nt either. so off we go, on a brand new and crazy adventure. i am excited, exhausted, scared and anxious. i do, though, know in my heart it was meant to be. our response has been soooo positive in this community and in the extended etsy community that i feel we will just grow and grow.
i'm taking over the world, y'all. starting with this:
it's gonna be great. check it out!