Wednesday, January 21, 2009

when i grow up

classroom conversation from yesterday:
teacher's assistant: connor, what does your mom do?
connor: she makes stuff. (insert toothless grin here)

how can it be that it is in simple moments like these we realize our dreams really have come to fruition? i've been spending so much time trying to get somewhere only to realize... i've beat myself up the mountain.
i do make stuff. that is so freakin' cool.


Rhea Butler said...

OOh, I looove those nightgown-y things!

I'm coming over to take a look...

One of those is just what I need!

Unknown said...

you make very nice things. and i hope your shop is doing well. but i have to ask that you contact me about my stuff i sent.
can you convo me at my etsy shop?

Unknown said...

still waiting for my stuff...just wondering, after two years, if you are ever going to contact me or just...well, could you just get in touch with me please??