Tuesday, March 11, 2008

little green dress

my olive (really "olivia" but nicknamed this by my son because i soooo craved green olives during my pregnancy) has been the mannequinn and inspiration for many a clothing creation. i love kid's clothing and feel so inspired by vintage styles and patterns. i love that i can whip up and outfit in an hour due to the small scale.

those of you who know me know that i am not a fan of delayed gratification. good things come to those who wait? why wait. now now now, i say.

so.... yesterday an idea

and a bit of pattern-making

a few hours, some green linen, black and white polka dot fabric and more naughty words than i care to admit to later we have this(front view)

(back view)

so, whaddya think? i could'nt get the model to show it off, she was napping, but you bet your bippy she looks DAMN CUTE in it.

1 comment:

sUsAn said...

Very very cute!!!! I haven't heard (read!) anyone say "bet your bippy" in so long-love that! I love green olives too! One of my dd's is an olive fiend! Thanks again for stopping by my blog! :) Happy Wednesday to you and yours!